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There will always be a demand for good real estate advice. Both buyers and sellers are reliant on search engines like google to educate themselves on different steps of the homebuying and selling processes. Many of the tips you read online do not hold true to every real estate market. With this, here are three helpful real estate tips which are true to any real estate market.

Entertain all offers even if they low

If you have ever received a low offer you know how much of a buzzkill it can be. While it is easy to reject low offers right off the bat, you need to take all offers seriously because there is always room for negotiating. You can always respond with counteroffers and work with buyers until you reach an agreement that is fair for both sides of the deal. Keep in mind, you may only receive one offer on your home, so do not be so quick to throw an offer out the window.

Account for fees ahead of time

This is one of the most common mistakes buyers and sellers make every year. You need to calculate for fees that quickly add up. Some of which include working with the title company, the lender, and brokerage fees. You do not want to be blindsided with fees after the fact that you were not prepared for.

Choose a local experienced agent

An experienced local real estate agent is one of the most valuable resources to a buyer or seller. Not only can they help you navigate the process of buying or selling a home, but they can offer their own personal insight from their personal experiences. This is why it is usually a wise decision to choose to work with an agent who knows the ins and outs of an area.

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The process of selling your home can be challenging to say the least. The right preparation will help ensure this process goes as seamlessly as possible. With this, try and avoid making these common home selling mistakes if you ever need to sell your home.

Becoming emotional

When it comes to selling your home, one must leave emotions at the door. Keep in mind that your home is a financial investment. All too often, people become emotional when preparing to sell their home and wind up making poor decisions. For example, while you may love the bright red walls that you painted with your family in your living room, you need to realize that they are likely not going to appeal to the greatest number of buyers. You are generally better off sticking with neutral colors throughout your home. Another common example would be when sellers overprice their home just because they have emotional attachment to it. You want to lean on the expertise of your agent when pricing your home so your home sells in a timely manner.

Not hiring an agent

Many people make the mistake of assuming that selling a home is an easy process. If you are motivated to sell your home, it is in your best interest to hire an experienced agent who can walk you through the whole process and be the middleman between you and potential buyers. Not only do they know how to negotiate, but they can also offer their personal expertise when it comes to things like home staging tricks, counteroffers, home upgrades, etc.

Using poor listing photos

Do not underestimate the importance of high quality listing photos. While your smartphone may take nice pictures, that is not going to cut it when it comes to home listing photos. It is typically in a seller's best interest to hire a professional who has the right equipment, and knows how to capture every room of the house. 

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For most people, the finances are the most stressful part of buying a home. There is much to consider from the time you create a budget to the time you are negotiating with a seller. With this, here are a few important home finance tips for buyers today.

Don’t put too much stock in Zestimates.

Online zestimates can sometimes be helpful when searching for your next home. However, buyers need to understand that they oftentimes can have a wide margin of error. In most cases, the best way to determine if a home is priced accurately is to lean on the expertise of your agent. Your agent should know how to look at comparable homes in the area and know if a home is priced correctly. 

Don’t assume you won’t qualify for a loan.

Do not assume because your credit is not great that you won’t be able to qualify for a loan on your home purchase. There are many resources available to you to find alternatives to conventional bank loans. Be sure to consult a mortgage broker because they will help you explore your options.

Always anticipate bidding wars.

In a sellers market where inventory is low and there are many buyers on the lookout for their next home, bidding wars are especially common. However, even with that being true, a buyer needs to accept that bidding wars are always a possibility. Many buyers find success in their home search by looking at homes that are at the lower end of their price range so they can bid higher if necessary.

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For many first-time homebuyers, the process of buying a home can be daunting to say the least. However, the right planning and preparation can help put your mind at ease. Check out these tips on how to prepare as a first-time homebuyer.

Find the right agent 

You are not expected to know everything about buying a home. This is why it is important to work with a real estate agent who can guide you through the entire home buying process. Do not feel like you have to choose the first agent that you speak to. You want to find someone who you trust and are comfortable working with. Also, do not be afraid to ask for references after speaking with an agent.

Formulate a budget

This is one of the most important steps when purchasing a home. However, there are many first-time homebuyers who do not put nearly enough thought into how much they can actually afford. Today, there are a multitude of tools available online that can help you determine your price range on a home. You never want to stretch yourself too thin with a home purchase. 

Review credit score of inaccuracies 

The vast majority of first-time home buyers need to take out a mortgage on their home purchase. In order to be approved for a loan, buyers need to reveal to lenders their credit history. One of the best steps a buyer can take when beginning a home search is to review your credit score. You may be surprised to find that your score is lower than you anticipated. In some cases, homebuyers realize inaccuracies on their credit report that are bringing down their score. It is in the best interest of a buyer to take care of any issues before submitting an offer on a home.

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There are a multitude of factors that go into the process of selling a home. If you are new to the process, it can be especially challenging to navigate your way through it. However, there are always some core principles that you want to be mindful of when you go to sell your home. Here are 3 helpful tips for first-time home sellers.

Don’t skimp out on photography

In order to capture the best possible listing photos you need the right equipment, as well as someone who has the expertise in photographing different rooms of a home. A good photographer will know which angles work well in each room, and know how to achieve the best lighting possible. 

Do not overprice your home

There are a variety of tools available today to determine the price of a home. In most cases it is not overly difficult to determine if a home is priced accurately. Also, buyers lean on the expertise of their agents who can let them know if a home is overpriced. Another issue with overpricing your home is that there is a good chance that it will sit on the market. The longer a home sits on the market, the less favorable it is in the eyes of buyers. By overpricing your home, you may actually end up costing yourself money. 

Make homeshowings a priority

Sellers need to make themselves as flexible as possible when it comes to home showings. In today’s real estate market, there are likely several buyers who would like the opportunity to see your home in person. While it may not always be convenient or enjoyable for you, you want to accommodate buyers the best you can because that may make a difference in whether or not your home sells quickly. 

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Whether you are buying or selling a home, it is almost in your best interest to lean on the experience of a local real estate agent. The right agent will have the knowledge and skills to aid you with your real estate plans. However, because there may be thousands upon thousands of real estate agents in your local area, it may be challenging to choose the right one. Read on and discover a few tips for selecting a real estate agent in 2021. 

They work for a globally recognized firm.

When researching agents online be sure to pay close attention to which firm an agent works for. Keep in mind that many of the globally recognized firms will only hire real estate agents who have a certain amount of experience. If an agent works for a well-respected firm, you should at least some reassurance they are a reputable agent.

They demonstrate their knowledge of the local market.

It is usually in your best interest as a buyer or seller if you select an agent who knows the local area. This is because they can give you their own personal insight on things that could help you with a real estate transaction. For example, they may know specific perks of living in a neighborhood that you may not find on your own by researching online. 

They are happy to provide you with references.

Unless you know an agent personally and are informed of how they are as an agent, you should always request references before hiring anyone. If they are unable to supply you with references, they should raise some red flags. However, the exception to this is if the agent is new to the real estate industry and does not have many transactions under their belt yet.

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